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School Stage of the Credit Union Quiz was held on Friday 7th February with both St Marys PS Pomeroy and Sacred Heart PS Rock participating.
A great day was had by all with refreshments and treats afterwards.
The winners of the Quiz and who will go on to represent their Schools in the Chapter level are:
Competition A Winners – St Marys PS Pomeroy

(Back Row: Mr Joe Coyle- St Marys P6 teacher, Margaret McElhone – Chairperson, Pomeroy Credit Union
Front Row: Donal Loughran, Lucy McGee, Cathal Nugent, Fiadh Mills)

Competition B Winners – Sacred Heart PS, Rock

Back row: Margaret McElhone – Chairperson for Pomeroy Credit Union, Mrs Armstrong – P7 Teacher Rock PS
Front Row:  Caoimhe Connolly, Monica O’Neill, Éabha McGorry, Lúghan Robinson)
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